Planning Applications

If you wish to see more detail on any application, make a note of the application number then follow this link and enter that number on the WLBC Planning Site

Application No: 2022/0047/FUL
Date Valid: 18 January 2022
Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension and two storey side extension to detached private dwelling
Site Location: 2 Moss Gardens, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6EY.

Application No: 2022/0042/FUL
Date Valid: 17 January 2022
Proposal: Full application for the erection of a woodgrain effect UPVC framed cattery.
Site Location: 80 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6AB.

Application No: 2022/0028/FUL
Date Valid: 20 January 2022
Proposal: Single storey rear extension to provide disabled wc.
Site Location: Hesketh Bank Community Centre Front Hall, Station Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire.

Application No: 2021/1467/FUL
Date Valid: 23 December 2021
Proposal: Extension and renovation of existing detached dwelling including replacing of existing front dormer with 3 no. pitched roof dormers and single storey and first floor rear extensions.
Site Location: Blair Atholl, Guide Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire.

Application No: 2021/1468/FUL
Date Valid: 15 December 2021
Proposal: Single storey pitched roof side extension to detached 2 storey dwelling
Site Location: 29 Chandlers Croft, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6RW.

Application: 2021/1235/LDP
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness – Proposed single storey rear extension
Location: 184B Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6SA
Not Permitted

Application No: 2021/1398/LDC
Date Valid: 30 November 2021
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness – Use of building as B2 workshop relating to agricultural machinery repair business.
Site Location:  25 Newarth Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6RS.
Cert of Lawfulness (EXISTING) Granted

Application No: 2021/1212/FUL
Date Valid: 5 November 2021
Proposal: Erection of a 3m L x 2.5m W x 2.25m H wooden shed (retrospective).
Site Location: 3 Old Orchard Rise, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6FE.
Planning Permission Granted

Application No: 2021/1234/FUL
Date Valid: 9 November 2021
Proposal: Erection of wooden shed (Retrospective)
Site Location: 6 Old Orchard Rise, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6FE.

Application No: 2021/1275/FUL
Date Valid: 2 November 2021
Proposal: Single storey rear extension
Site Location: 178 Station Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6ST.
Planning Permission Granted

Application No: 2021/1281/FUL
Date Valid: 2 November 2021
Proposal: Single storey rear and side extension
Site Location: 20 Boundary Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6AJ.
Planning Permission Granted

Application No: 2021/1187/OUT
Date Valid: 27 October 2021
Proposal: Outline – Erection of 10 no. affordable dwellings and 11no. live/work units. Including details of access; layout and scale, all other matters reserved.
Site Location: Land To The East Of, Boundary Lane, Hesketh Bank, Lancashire,

Application No: 2021/1209/FUL
Date Valid:15 October 2021
Proposal: Proposed garage extension to side, seating areas, pond, additional fencing and bike shed.
Site Location: 2 Old Orchard Rise, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6FE.
Planning Permission Granted

Application: 2021/1041/LDP
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness – Proposed extension to an existing dropped kerb.
Location: 60 Station Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6SP
Not Permitted

Application: 2021/1197/LDP Decision: Cert of Lawfulness (PROPOSED) Permitted
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness – Proposed single storey side extension
Location: 201 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6AE

Application No: 2021/1125/PNA
Date Valid: 18 October 2021
Proposal: Application for determination as to whether prior approval of details is required – Enlargement of dwellinghouse by construction of an additional storey to the existing detached dormer bungalow with the material palette, roof pitch and fenestration arrangement to match the existing. The proposed scheme is to mirror the existing form of the building with a traditional pitched roof over and retained gable ends.
Site Location: 201 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6AE.
PNA Prior Approval NOT required

Application No: 2021/1146/FUL
Date Valid: 27 September 2021
Proposal: Single storey rear extension, demolition of existing porch with creation of new porch to the side of the property and alterations to an existing detached garage to create and intermediate floor for office and/or habitable accommodation in roof void.
Site Location: 206 Station Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6ST.

Application No: 2021/1154/FUL
Date Valid: 4 October 2021
Proposal: 2 storey extension to side of dwelling house and single storey addition to rear.
Site Location: 8 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6RR.

Application No: 2021/1120/PNH
Date Valid: 17 September 2021
Proposal: Application for determination as to whether prior approval of details is required – Extension of dwellinghouse. Dimension from rear wall of the original dwellinghouse – 7.73m. Maximum height of the extension – 3.8m. Height to eaves of the extension – 2.80m.
Site Location: 178 Station Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6ST.
PNH Details Refused

Application No: 2021/1067/ADV
Date Valid: 15 September 2021
Proposal: 1 no. wall mounted illuminated sign to front elevation of school.
Site Location: Hesketh With Becconsall All Saints C Of E Primary School, Shore Road,
Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6RD
Advertisement Consent-REFUSED

Application No: 2021/0914/FUL
Date Valid: 14 September 2021
Proposal: Single storey rear extension.
Site Location: Rosedale, Marsh Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire.

Application No: 2021/1048/FUL
Date Valid: 13 September 2021
Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension.
Site Location: 60 Shore Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6RD.
Planning Permission Granted

Application No: 2021/0856/FUL
Date Valid: 5 August 2021
Proposal: Single storey extension.
Site Location: 180 Station Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6ST.
Planning Permission Granted

Application No: 2021/0843/FUL
Date Valid: 2 July 2021
Proposal: Erection of stable buildings and a storage building (replacing existing structures)
Site Location: Newarth Stables, Newarth Lane, Hesketh Bank, Lancashire, PR4 6PT.
Planning Permission Granted

Application No: 2021/0837/FUL
Date Valid: 19 July 2021
Proposal: Single storey rear extension
Site Location: 186 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6AE
Planning Permission REFUSED

Application No: 2021/0839/FUL
Date Valid: 30 June 2021
Proposal: Siting of a static caravan to provide on-site residential accommodation and an underground treatment plant for foul drainage
Site Location: Newarth Stables, Newarth Lane, Hesketh Bank, Lancashire, PR4 6PT

Application No: 2021/0869/PNC
Date Valid: 14 July 2021
Proposal: Application for determination as to whether prior approval is required for details – Change of use of existing agricultural barn to a dwelling.
Site Location: Pear Tree Farm, 337 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire
PNC Prior Approval NOT required

Application No: 2021/0762/FUL (6 July 2021)
25 Granville Avenue, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6AH.

Erection of two detached dwellings
Planning Permission Granted

Application No: 2021/0750/FUL (23 June 2021)
8 Becconsall Gardens, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6EN.
Single storey extension to the rear of the property
Planning Permission Granted

Application No: 2021/0700/FUL (10 June 2021)
88 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6AB.
Proposed orangery extension to rear
Planning Permission granted

Application No: 2021/0681/LDC (21 May 2021)
214 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6AE.
Certificate of Lawfulness – Change of use of dwelling to house of multiple occupation (HMO).

Application No: 2021/0661/FUL (7 June 2021)
62 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6RR.
Proposed single storey side extension and conversion of garage to form ancillary accommodation.Planning Permission Granted

Application No: 2021/0658/FUL (19 May 2021)
169 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6AE.
Application to remove condition no. 2 of planning permission 8/6/12552 relating to agricultural occupancy.
Planning Permission granted

Application No: 2021/0673/FUL (2 June 2021)
70 Shore Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6RD.
Rear dormer extension to end terraced house.
Planning Permission granted

Application No: 2021/0590/FUL (25 May 2021)
Bluebell House, 11E Shore Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire.
Proposed single storey side extension

Application No: 2021/0504/FUL (21 May 2021)
West Gate Farm, Guide Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston.
Retrospective planning application for the erection of 1 no. detached agricultural storage building and hardstanding.
Planning Permission granted

Application No: 2021/0581/FUL (12th May)
1 The Stables, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6EF
Proposed garage conversion to wet room and storage with associated car parking spaces
Planning Permission granted

Application No: 2021/0489/FUL (10th May 2021)
174A Station Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6ST
Conversion of existing conservatory into Sun Room.
Planning Permission granted

Application No: 2021/0584/PNH (30 April 2021)
46 Glen Park Drive, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6TA
Application for determination as to whether prior approval of details is required – Extension of dwellinghouse. Dimension from rear wall of the original dwellinghouse – 4.20m. Maximum height of the extension – 2.60m. Height to eaves of the extension – 3.85m.

Application No: 2021/0552/FUL (27 April 2021)
33 Glen Park Drive, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6TA
Single storey extension at rear
Planning Permission granted

Application No: 2021/0492/FUL (15 April 2021)
The Cottage, Boundary Meanygate, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire.
1st floor side extension to detached dwelling

Application No: 021/0467/FUL (12 April 2021)
Bank View, Guide Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire.
Demolition of existing single storey rear extension and conservatory to allow for new single storey extension
Planning Permission granted

Application No: 2021/0520/PNH (20 April 2021)
4 Norwood Avenue, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6PH
Application for determination as to whether prior approval of details is required – Extension of dwellinghouse. Dimension from rear wall of the original dwellinghouse – 4.7m. Maximum height of the extension – 3.4m. Height to eaves of the extension – 2.4m.
PNH Prior Approval NOT required

Application No: 2021/0343/FUL
Land Adjacent To, 92 Station Road, Hesketh Bank, Lancashire,
Proposed new single detached residential dwelling and works to the existing road.
Planning Permission granted

Application No: 2021/0320/FUL (17 March 2021)
Land Adjacent To, 92 Station Road, Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
Erection of 2 no. dwellings.
Planning Permission granted

Application No: 2021/0226/FUL (16 March 2021)
484 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6XJ

Conversion of existing offices to two bedroom detached dwelling.
Planning Permission granted

Application No: 2021/0304/FUL (9 March 2021)
6 Old Orchard Rise, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6F
Proposed single storey extension to rear.
Planning Permission granted

Application No: 2021/0025/LDP
201 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6AE
Certificate of Lawfulness – Proposed erection of a single storey outbuilding within the residential curtilage of property no. 201 Moss Lane.
Not Permitted

Application No: 2021/0097/ADV (12 February 2021)
Southview Lodge Care Home, 92 Station Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire
Display of 2no. free standing non illuminated advertisement signs.
Advertisement Consent Granted

Application No: 2020/1072/FUL
Location: Henry Alty Ltd, Station Road, Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
Variation of Condition No. 27 imposed on planning permission 2013/1258/OUT to allow an amendment to the existing greenfield run off rates within the condition.
Planning Permission granted

Application Number: 2020/1177/FUL (22nd January 2021)
Land To The Rear Of 242, Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
The extension of an existing horticultural nursery site including erection of polytunnels and construction of a lagoon.
Planning Permission granted

Application Number: 2021/0405/FUL
11 Glen Park Drive, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6TA
Proposed two storey rear extension and single storey side extension.
Planning Permission granted

Application Number: 2021/0005/FUL (20th January 2021)
21A Station Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6SN
Proposed extension to provide first floor accommodation and reconfiguration of ground floor.

Application Number: 2020/1148/FUL
44 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6RR
Proposed demolition of existing conservatory to be replaced with new single
storey rear extension. Extension to existing garage and roof alteration to
pitched roof.
Planning Permission granted

Application Number: 2020/1174/FUL
6 Belsfield Drive, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6YB
Single storey rear extension to form lounge/dining/kitchen. Front canopy
Planning Permission granted

Application Number: 2020/1252/PNP (5th January 2021)
Fylde View Farm, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire.
Application for Determination as to Whether Prior Approval is Required for Details – Erection of steel portal framed building for the storage of produce and machinery.

Application Number: 2020/1200/FUL (21st December 2020)
8 Norwood Avenue, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6PH
Single storey side/rear extension after demolition of detached garage.
Planning Permission granted

Application Number: 2020/1201/FUL (8th December 2020)
165 Station Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6ST
Rear first floor dormer extension and balcony. First floor internal alterations.
Planning Permission granted

2020/0893/FUL (2nd Dec 2020)
Becconsall Old Church, Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank, Lancashire, PR4 6RR
Erection of new retaining structure to existing embankment between the old churchyard and Becconsall Lane
Planning Permission refused 

2020/0975/FUL (2nd Dec 2020)
12 Shore Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6RB
Demolition of existing property. Rebuilding of existing property as pair of two storey semi-detached dwellings with a part two storey/part single storey extension to the rear. (Retrospective)
Planning Permission granted

2020/1009/FUL (2nd Dec 2020)
Land To The Rear Of, 28 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6AB
Erection of detached single storey bungalow and demolition of 3 outbuildings.

2020/1032/FUL (2nd Dec 2020)
New Manor Farm, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 6XQ
Full planning application for the conversion of an existing barn to form a residential dwelling at New Manor Farm.
Planning Permission granted

2020/0620/FUL (21st Oct 2020)
146 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
First floor side extension to residential dwelling

2020/0732/FUL (21st Oct 2020)
Meadow View, 163a Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Proposed side extension to form new kitchen and garage space with new front porch.

2020/0776/FUL (16th Sept 2020)
19 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Development including second storey rear extension and internal remodelling

2020/0701/FUL (16thSept 2020)
174A Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Variation to Condition re applic 2018/1150/FUL
Planning Permission granted

2020/0672/2020 (2nd Sept 2020)
Land Rear of 28 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
2 storey detached dormer bungalow and demolition of 3 outbuildings
Planning Permission refused

2020/0612/FUL (16th Sept 2020)
189 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Proposed single storey rear extension and 2 no rear facing dormers
Planning Permission granted

2020/0527/OUT (8th July 2020)
Land to the East of Boundary Lane, Hesketh Bank
Outline application for the erection of 37 dwellings including details of access, layout and scale. All other matters reserved

2020/0471/FUL (1st July 2020)
37 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank.
Proposed 2 storey extension side and rear
Planning Permission granted

2020/0387/S106 (1st July 2020)
Henry Alty Ltd, Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Application to modify a planning obligation under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 dated 27th July 2016
Discharge/Remove/Approve Modification

2020/0465/FUL (24th June 2020)
2 Moss Green, Hesketh Bank
Erection of single storey extension
Planning Permission granted

2020/0424/FUL (24th June 2020)
Fylde View Farm, Shore Rd Hesketh Bank
Application for the installation of a portable cabin for use as a farm shop

2020/0408/FUL (24th June 2020)
96 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Detached outbuilding
Planning Permission granted

2020/0296/2020 (6th May 2020)
Land to the rear of 28 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of three outbuildings and erection of two storey detached dormer bungalow
Planning Permission refused

2020/0234/FUL (8th April 2020)
57 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Construction of detached single storey garage with storage
Planning Permission granted

2020/0130/FUL (18th March 2020)
Hesketh Bank Community Centre, Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Replacement of existing Community Centre Rear Hall
Planning Permission granted

2020/0203/FUL (11th March 2020)
19 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Development including second storey raer extension and internal remodelling
Planning Permission granted

2020/0224/FUL (11th March 2020)
10 Boundary Lane, Hesketh Bank
Single storey extensions to side and rear
Planning Permission granted

2020/0157/LDC (4th March 2020)

201 Moss lane, Hesketh Bank.
Certificate of Lawfulness – use of land as residential curtilage.

2020/0148/ADV (4th March 2020)
Booths Supermarkets, 24 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Retrospective planning application for car park management signage; 12 signs mounted on lighting columns, signage poles or on the wall of the buildings signage is of 2 sizes, 800mm x 600mm and 600mm x 600mm facing internally into the car park to advise of the car parks stay allocation as per the British Parking Association (BPA)
Planning Permission granted

2020/0147/FUL (4th March 2020)
Booths Supermarkets, 24 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Retrospective planning application for car park management system (ANPR camera, 5m camera column and 3m signage poles)
Planning Permission granted

2019/0155/FUL (26th Feb 2020)
416 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Use of land for the siting of 2 additional mobile homes (caravans) for use by seasonal workers during the months of March to November together with hardstanding and ancilliary infrastructure
Planning Permission granted

2019/1166/FUL (12th February 2020)
Whitegate Nurseries, 66 Chapel Lane, Hesketh Bank
Erection of nine dwellings
Planning Permission granted

2019/1317/FUL (15th January 2020)
242 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Construction of replacement dwelling
Planning Permission granted

2019/1264/FUL (15th January 2020)
191 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Single Storey rear extension (retrospective)
Planning Permission granted

2019/1136/PNC (8th January 2020)
Brentleys Hair & Beauty Salon, 8 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Application for determination as t whether prior approval of details is required – Proposed change of use from A! hairdressers to A3 restaurants and cafes
Details Approved

2019/1248/FUL (18th December 2019)
484 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Conversion of former offices to two bedroom detached dwelling.
Planning Permission refused

2019/1244/FUL (18th December 2019)
West Lancashire Light Railway, Station Road, Hesketh Bank.
Replacement Toilet Block
Planning Permission granted

2019/1168/LDP (26th November 2019)
9A Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Certificate of lawfulness – Proposed use of property for 3 persons in receipt of care
plus 3 careers in residence during the day and 2 No. overnight
Certificate of Lawfulness Permitted

2019/1135/FUL (18th November 2019)
19 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Change of use of land to outdoor seating areas (Retrospective)
Planning Permission granted

2019/0988/FUL (30th October 2019)
184 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Two new detached dwellings
Planning Permission granted

2019/0990/FUL (10th October 2019)
28 The Green, Hesketh Bank
Erection of a rear garden fence approx. 1.8m high using timber posts and closed board cladding
Planning Permission granted

2019/0968/FUL (9th October 2019)
Land adjacent to 3 Boundary Lane, Hesketh Bank
Erection of single dwelling.
Planning Permission granted

2019/0936/ARM (2nd October 2019)
Land to the rear of 38 Newarth Lane, Hesketh Bank
Approval of Reserved Matters – Erection of 10 No. affordable dwellings including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. Discharge of outline permission condition nos. 2,8,11 (in part), 13,14,15,16,17 (in part), 20,21 and 24 (in part) and to amend areas of the S106 agreement through a deed of variation.

2019/0906/ADV (18th September 2019)
Former Henry Alty Site, Station Road, Hesketh Bank.
Display of 1 No. single stack advertisement sign and 2 No. advertisement flags.
Planning Permission granted

2019/0867/FUL (3rd September 2019)
31 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Construction of 10 residential units

2019/0827/FUL (3rd September 2019)
12 Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of first floor and roof (retrospective). Proposed reinstatement of existing property as pair of two storey semi-detached dwellings with a part two storey/part single storey extension to the rear.
Planning Permission granted

2019/0820/FUL (3rd September 2019)
70 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Retrospective householder planing application for the erection of a timber close boarded fence to the southern and rear portion of the westerly boundary, 1.85m high at the highest point
Planning Permission granted

2019/0750/FUL (30th July 2019)
Henry Alty Ltd, Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Replan for 90 plot submissions, related to previous Reserved Matters Approval
Planning Permission granted

2019/0715/FUL (30th July 2019)
242 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Construction of replacement dwelling.
Planning Permission refused

2019/0711/FUL (23rd July 2019)
7 School Fold, Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear extension
Planning Permission granted

2019/0373/FUL (25th June 2019)
452 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Single storey side extension including new garage and rear porch to existing dwelling. Existing garage to ber converted to sensory room.
Planning Permission refused – APPEALED – Dismissed

2019/0563/FUL (11th June 2019)
Hesketh Out Marsh West, Dib Road, Hesketh Bank
Install a ‘cor-ten’ steel, wing shaped sculpture on the top of the bank, approx. 2.7m tall x 1.4m wide.
Planning Permission granted

2019/0426/FUL (11th June 2019)
Cottams Farm, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Conversion of adjoining barn to form additional residential accommodation including two storey extension to the existing building

2019/0450/FUL (4th June 2019)
1d The green, Hesketh Bank
Two storey side extension
Planning Permission granted

2019/0430/FUL (14th May 2019)
140 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Retrospective change of use from Function Suite into Restaurant use Class A3.
Planning Permission granted

2019/0368/FUL (7th May 2019)
West Gate Farm, Guide Road, Hesketh Bank
1.61Ha (3.98 Acres) Extensions to existing glasshouse development
Planning Permission granted

2019/0322/FUL (30th April 2019)
Land adjacent to No.3 Boundary Lane, Hesketh Bank
Erection of single dwelling
Planning Permission granted

2019/0348/FUL (23rd April 2019)
10 Thistle Close, Hesketh Bank
Demolish existing conservatory and replace with single storey rear extension
Planning Permission granted

2019/0297/FUL (9th April 2019)
Land to the rear of 32 Moss lane, Hesketh Bank
Proposed erection of 2 No. detached houses
Planning Permission granted

2019/0204/FUL (2nd April 2019)
Wyvern, Guide Road, Hesketh Bank
New development and change of use development for the conversion of an existing workshop into ancilliary residential family accomodation all with associated internal and external alterations.
Planning Permission refused

2019/0215/OUT (26th March 2019)
Land at 92 Station Road, HeskethBank
Outline – Erection of three detached dwellings and works to existing road (including details of access, layout and scale)
Planning Permission granted

2019/0239/FUL (19th March 2019)
Henry Alty Ltd, Station Road Hesketh Bank
Replan for 11 plot substitutions
Planning Permission granted

2019/0237/FUL (19th March 2019)
Land to the rear of 87 and 89 Moss lane, Hesketh Bank
Variation of Condition No.6 imposed on planning permission 2018/1134/FUL to read “Notwithstanding details submitted in the application form, windows and doors should be as specified: Optima Flush Casement System 9colour Cream RAL 9001)
Planning Permission granted

2019/0235/FUL (19th March 2019)
Land to the rear of 38 Moss lane, Hesketh Bank
Variation of Condition No.2 of planning permsission 2017/0928/FUL to vary the approved plans
Planning Permission granted

2019/0218/FUL (19th March 2019)
28 The Green, Hesketh Bank
Retrospective planning application for the erection of 2m closeboard timber boundary fencing including the cladding of all concrete posts.
Planning Permission refused

2019/0154/FUL (5th March 2019)
70 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Proposed detached 2 bed dwelling
Planning Permission refused – appealed – dismissed

2019/0113/FUL (19th February 2019)
11B Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Extension over existing kitchen to form a 1 1/2 storey height extension to provide new bedroom accommodation. Upgrading of existing brick and UPVC conservatory to form sun-lounge (on same footprint as existing) Internal alterations to existing dwelling, construction of new porch. Upgrading of building fabric to include new windows and doors.
Planning Permission granted

2019/0106/FUL (12th February 2019)
Southview Lodge Care Home, 92 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Single storey extension to an existing care home.
Approved with conditions

2019/0022/FUL (22nd January 2019)
Booths Supermarket, Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Installation of four rapid electric vehicle charging stations within the existing car park. Four existing parking stations will become EV charging bays along with associated equipment.
Planning Permission granted

2018/1335/FUL (22nd January 2019)
Land to the rear of 32 Moss lane, Hesketh Bank
Proposed erection of 2 No. detached dwellings

2018/1250/FUL (15th January 2019)
134 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Variation of Condition No 2 of planning permission 2018/0101/FUL to vary the approved plans – Front gable ends omitted. Bay windows reduced in height.

2018/1301/FUL (15th January 2019)
54 Newarth Lane, Hesketh Bank
Additional dormer roof to compliment previously approved scheme
Planning Permission granted

2018/1330/FUL (8th January 2019)
215 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear extension to terraced house
Planning Permission granted

2018/1298/FUL (18th December 2018)
Willow Farm, Boundary Meanygate, Hesketh Bank
Construction of Spanish ploytunnels and irrigation lagoon (retrospective)
Planning Permission granted

2018/0944/COU (28th November 2018)
Hesketh Bank Fish Bar, 19 Station Road
Partial Change of use from hot food takeaway to café
Planning Permission granted

2018/1240/FUL (27th November 2018)
1 Elderbrook Close, Hesketh Bank
Proposed ground floor rear extension to form new family room with first floor bedroom extension above following demolition of the existing rear conservatory
Planning Permission granted

2018/1175/FUL (20th November 2018)
14 Norwood Avenue, Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear extension
Planning Permission granted

2018/1150/FUL (13th November 2018)
174A Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Conversion of former agricultural building into dwelling
Planning Permission refused – Appeal Lodged 15-02-19

2018/1134/FUL (13th November 2018)
Land to the rear of 87 and 89 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Proposed COU – converting disused barn (part of former Wholesale Nursery) to form single dwelling house with associated (landscaped) external amenity garden space.
Planning Permission granted

2018/1103/FUL (13th November)
176 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Proposed single storey side extension to existing rear kitchen
Planning Permission granted

2018/1088/FUL (6th November 2018)
Land to the North East of 55 Boundary Lane, Hesketh Bank
Erection of 4 bed detached dwelling
Planning Permission granted

2018/1076/FUL (30th October 2018)
215 Chapel Road Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear and side extension

2018/1075/FUL (30th October 2018)
206 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear extension
Planning Permission granted

2018/1017/FUL (23rd October 2018)
Southview Lodge Care Home, 92 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Single storey extension to an existing category C2 care home

2018/0873/FUL (4th September 2018)
Brookfield Nurseries, Guide Road, Hesketh Bank
Extension to existing hardstanding area for agricultural use
Planning Permission granted

2018/0871/FULL  (4th September 2018)
Brookfield Nurseries, Guide Road, Hesketh Bank
Siting of 4 No. static caravans for seasonal workers accommodation.
Planning Permission granted

2018/0760/FUL (28th August 2018)
Top Shop Newsagent, 21 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
To add A3 use to existing A1 use to create mixed use area. To install in-store cafe area.

2018/0763/FUL (7th August 2018)
Land to the rear of 87 and 89 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Proposed COU – converting disused barn (part of former wholesale nursery) to form single dwelling house with associated external amenity garden area.
Planning Permission refused

018/0552/FUL (7th August 2018)
467 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Agricultural storage building
Planning Permission granted

2018/0777/FUL (31st July 2018)
27 Becconsall Gardens, Hesketh Bank
Garage conversion to create  room and utility room.
Planning Permission granted

2018/0731/FUL (17th July 2018)
24 Delta Park Drive, Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear extension forming kitchen/dining/family room
Planning Permission granted

2018/0621/FUL (3rd July 2018)
Hesketh Bank AFC, Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Siting of a water tank and container on a concrete base (retrospective)
Planning Permission granted

2018/0660/LDC (26th June 2018)
160 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Certificate of lawfulness – Mixed use of site for the business operations in conjunction with Arden Lea (irrigation) Limited and Mawson Piling Limited
Permission granted

2018/0552/PNP (26th June 2018)
467 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Consideration of Details for Prior Approval – Agricultural storage building.
Planning Permission granted

2018/0601/FUL (19th June 2018)
37 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Part retrospective planning application for the (1) Widening of existing agricultural access track and; (2) Application for the construction of an agricultural access track and hardstanding apron in conjunction with existing agricultural building (2017/0068/PNP)
Planning Permission granted

2018/0578/FUL (19th June 2018)
Mill Farm, Mill Lane, Hesketh Bank
Proposed 2 No. detached houses and garages
Planning Permission granted

2018/0189/FUL (19th June 2018)
11 Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Erection of replacement outbuilding for the storage and maintenance of vehicles
Planning Permission granted

2018/0540/FUL (5th June 2018)
17 Silverdale, Hesketh Bank
Proposed pitched roof single storey rear extension and first floor pitched roof side dormer extension.
Planning Permission granted

2018/0530/FUL (5th June 2018)
27 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Garage conversion to create play room and utility room
Planning Permission refused

2018/0476/FUL (15th May 2018)
Land to the rear of 55 Boundary Lane, Hesketh Bank
Erection of 4 bed detached dwelling.
Planning Permission refused

2018/0422/FUL (8th May 2018)
55 Boundary Lane, Hesketh Bank
Erection of one detached bungalow.
Planning Permission granted

2018/0377/FUL (8th May 2018)
Flat 1, 15B Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Proposed single storey rear extension to ground floor apartment
Planning Permission granted

2018/0215/FUL (8th May 2018)
Belmont, 16A Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Proposed rear extension
Planning Permission granted

2018/0374/FUL (24th April 2016)
Land adjacent to 407 Moss lane, Hesketh Bank
Glasshouse, reservoir and new vehicular access track
Planning Permission granted

2018/0367/ADV (17th April 2018)
2 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Display of illuminated fascia sign to front elevation
Planning Permission granted

2018/0247/FUL (3rd April 2018)
2 Granville Avenue, Hesketh Bank
One single garage door and patio door to the front and window to the side with lean to roof. Varied from planning permission 2014/0608/FUL
Planning Permission granted

2018/0234/FUL (27th March 2018)
484 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Increase in ridge height of part of dwelling, new rear dormer and replacement side porch
Planning Permission granted

2018/0243/FUL (13th March 2018)
Henry Alty Ltd, Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Variation of Condition Nos 11 and 17 of planning permission 2017/0492/ARM relating to the Licenced Bat and Barn Owl Survey and Assessment and the approved landscaping scheme.
Planning Permission granted

2018/0229/FUL (13th March 2018)
4 Norwood Avenue, Hesketh Bank
Erection of timber close boarded fence on the boundary of the property (retrospective)
Planning Permission granted

2018/0192/FUL (13th March 2018)
150 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Erection of log cabin (retrospective)
Planning Permission granted

2018/0159/FUL (6th March 2018)
32 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Proposed erection of 2no. new build dwellings. Extension of site approved 2017/0928/FUL
Planning Permission refused

2018/0101/FUL (20th February 2018)
134 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Proposed detached 4-bed dwelling with integral garage following demolition of existing garage. New entrance to highway and parking provision for 134 Moss Lane, alterations to existing access from highway for new dwelling.
Planning Permission granted

2018/0063/FUL (13th February 2018)
17 Silverdale, Hesketh Bank
Proposed pitched roof single storey rear extension and first floor pitched roof side dormer extension.
Planning Permission refused

2017/1343/FUL (9th January 2018)
Riversdale, Marsh Road, Hesketh Bank
Removal of Condition No.1 (agricultural occupancy condition) imposed on planning permission 8/6/1122
Planning Permission granted

2017/1308/FUL (9th January 2018)
Caravan Park, 467 Moss lane, Hesketh Bank
Use of land for the siting of 20 mobile homes for use by seasonal agricultural workers for the months March to Novembertogether with hardstanding and ancillary infrastructure for a temporary period until 30 November 2022.
Planning Permission granted

2017/1283/FUL (9th January 2018)
14 Silverdale, Hesketh Bank
Orangery to rear of property
Planning Permission granted

2017/1218/LBC (28th November 2017)
61 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank.
Listed Building Consent – Conversion of Barn 2 to detached dwelling.
Listed Building Consent granted

2017/1205/FUL (28th November 2017)
Land to the East of Boundary Lane Hesketh Bank
To develop the land for 10 No. affordable 3 bedroom 5 person semi-detached houses with a change of use from protected land policy GN1 (b) t residential.
Planning Permission granted

2017/1161/FUL (28th November 2107)
Hundred End Nurseries, Hundred End Lane, Hesketh Bank.
Siting of 10 caravans/mobile homes for occupation by seasonal agricultural workers (retrospective)
Planning Permission granted

2017/1178/FUL (14th November 2017)
The Willows, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Two storey garage/store accommodation
Planning Permission granted

2017/1070/FUL (31st October 2017)
70 Moss lane, Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear/side extension with pitched roof to the north elevation and front porch to the south elevation
Planning Permission granted

2017/1110/FUL (24th October 2017)
13 Chandlers Croft, Hesketh Bank
Proposed single storey rear extension to existing dwelling
Planning Permission granted

2017/1026/FUL (24th October 2017)
4 Norwood Avenue, Hesketh Bank
Erection of timber close board fence on the boundary of the property (Retrospective)
Planning Permission refused

2017/1018/FUL (24th October 2017)
90 Moss lane, Hesketh Bank
Variation od Condition Nos 3 and 8 imposed on planning permission 2011/1010/OUT to vary the approved plans in relation to car parking
Planning Permission granted

2017/1047/FUL (17th October 2017)
64 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Change of access to the house from side to the front. Building of boundary wall with inset fence panels along both front and west side of property. Replace existing gates.
Planning Permission refused

2017/0967/FUL (17th October 2017)
Land Adjacent Long Acres, Guide Road, Hesketh Bank
Proposed new steel frame building to house machinery/tool store and food preparation area.
Planning Permission granted

2017/0944/FUL (10th October 2017)
10 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of existing garage. Proposed 2 storey side also part 2 storey, part 1 storey rear extension to existing dwelling. Alterations to front elevation. Loft conversion.
Planning Permission granted

2017/0928/FUL (26th September 2017)
38 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of existing bungalow, Erection of 6 no. detached dwellings with a new access road
Planning Permission granted

2017/0789/FUL (12th September 2017)
61 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Conversion of Barn 2 to detached dwelling
Planning Permission granted

2017/0773/FUL (8th August 2017)
6 Hazelwood Drive, Hesketh Bank
Proposed rear extensions
Planning Permission granted

2017/0716/FUL (1st August 2017)
142 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Proposed remodelling, rebuilding of rear/side façade and rear two storey extension and replacement roof (including rear dormer windows) to existing cottage
Planning Permission granted

2017/0678/FUL (1st August 2017)
12 Charles Close, Hesketh Bank
Extend existing dormer, window to the front elevation and add pitch roof to the complete dormer roof. Reface the existing face in new tiles
Planning Permission granted

2017/0068/PNP (18th July 2017)
37 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Consideration of details for Prior Approval – Steel portal framed building.
Prior Notif-Agriculture-Details Approved

2017/0684/FUL (11th July 2017)
416 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Retention of siting of eight mobile homes for use by seasonal agricultural workers during the months of March to November together with hard-standing and ancilliary infrastructure
Planning Permission granted

2017/0673/FUL (4th July 2017)
54 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension
Planning Permission granted

2017/0657/FUL (4th July 2017)
Hundred End Nurseries, Hundred End Lane, Hesketh Bank
Replacement Greenhouses
Planning Permission granted

2017/0641/FUL (4th July 2017)
103 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Two storey side extension and rear extension
Planning Permission granted

2017/0552/FUL (20th June 2017)
10 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of existing garage, Two storey side and single storey rear extension
Planning Permission refused

2017/0581/FUL (13th June 2017)
6 Hazelwood Drive, Hesketh Bank
Proposed rear extension
Planning Permission granted

2017/0516/FUL (6th June 2017)
Mill Farm, Mill Lane, Hesketh Bank
Erection of four detached houses and one detached double garage
Planning Permission granted

2017/0532/FUL (30th May 2017)
72 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Front porch and extension to existing garage to convert to office space and replace existing flat roof with a new pitched roof.
Planning Permission granted

2017/0520/FUL (30th May 2017)
93 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension with 2 No. roof lights
Planning Permission granted

2017/0467/FUL (30th May 2017)
88b Moss lane, Hesketh Bank
Single storey extension to rear
Planning Permission granted

2017/0492/ARM (23rd May 2017)
Henry Alty Ltd, Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Approval of Reserved Matters for the erection of 212 dwellings including associated infrastructure and landscaping and details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale.
Decision delegated to the Director of  Development & Regeneration

2017/0488/ADV (23rd May 2017)
One Stop, 85-87 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Display of 5 No window graphics and 1 no non illuminated facia sign
Planning Permission granted

2017/0458/FUL (16th May 2017)
167 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Creation of new vehicular crossover via new dropped kerb.
Planning Permission granted

2017/0382/FUL (16th May 2017)
54 Newarth Lane, Hesketh Bank
Loft conversion within existing roof space and formation of dormer to the rear – Resubmission of a previous application
Planning Permission granted

2017/0418/FUL (9th May 2017)
7 The Brow, Hesketh Bank
Install replacement windows and doors to property
Planning Permission refused

2017/0339/FUL (11th April 2017)
63 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Proposed two storey rear and first floor side extensions
Planning Permission granted

2017/0315/OUT (4th April 2017)
Whitegate Nurseries, Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Outline – Residential development with a detached bungalow and two pairs of semi-detached houses including details of access
Planning Permission granted

2017/0200/FUL (7th March 2017)
The Nook, 11f Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Addition of canopy above front door. Amendments to approved garage to include larger doors and the introduction of Velux roof lights.
Planning Permission granted

2017/0199/FUL (7th March 2017)
3 Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Alterations to the external appearance of the property with the installation of 2 no. roof lights
Planning Permission granted

2017/0104/FUL (21st February 2017)
10 Becconsall Gardens, Hesketh Bank
Summerhouse (retrospective)
Planning Permission granted

2017/0076/FUL (7th February 2017)
Wood Farm, Boundary Meanygate, Hesketh Bank
Conservatory to the west elevation
Planning Permission granted

LCC/2017/0016 (31st January 2017)
Becconsall Exploration Site, Bonny Barn Road, Banks
Proposed variation of Condition 14 of planning permission LCC/2014/0047
Planning Permission granted

2017/0052/S106 (31st January 2017)
9 Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Application to modify a planning obligation under Secton 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 dated 12 May 2014
Permission granted

2017/0055/FUL (24th January 2017)
29 Greenfields, Hesketh Bank
Dropped kerbs to existing driveway entrance and exit
Planning Permission granted

2017/0008/LBC (17th January 2017)
61 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Listed Building Consent – Coversion of barn to residential use and associated works.
Listed Building Consent granted

2017/0007/COU (17th January 2017)
61 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Conversion of barn to residential use and associated works
Planning Permission granted

2016/1302/FUL (10th January 2017)
Shore Farm, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Variation of Condition No.2 imposed on planning application 2013/1346/FUL to allow alteration to the site layouit; repositioning of the detached garage and an amended boundary line.
Planning Permission granted

2016/1213/FUL (10th January 2017)
Land to the rear of 55 Boundary Lane, Hesketh Bank
Erection of a detached house after demolition of storage building
Planning Permission granted

2016/1257/FUL (20th December 2016)
Ribble View farm, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Conversion and extension to existing outbuildings to provide 3 No. two storey dwellings with integral garaging and associated hard and soft landscaping
Planning Permission granted

2016/1210/FUL (13th December 2016)
61 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Variation of planning conditions 2 & 7 to 2014/1354/FUL to include retention of double garage, repositioning of rooflights, new upper floor window on south elevation, and new door on west elevation.

2016/1197/FUL (29th November 2016)
162 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank.
Proposed porch, internal alterations and new windows to rear, including roof lights.
Planning Permission granted

2016/1177/FUL (22nd November 2016)

21 Granville Avenue, Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear extension to bungalow with new rendering to existing brickwork.
Planning Permission granted

2016/1072/OUT (22nd November 2016)
Whitegate Nurseries, 66 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Outline – Residential Development
Planning Permission refused

2016/1156/FUL (15th November 2016)
7 Ashbrook Close, Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear extension to existing dwelling
Planning Permission granted

2016/1081/FUL (15th November 2016)
25 Newarth Lane, Hesketh Bank
Agricultural storage building to replace a previously demolished obsolete building in 2013, required for storage of agricultural machinery for use within existing glasshouse nursey
Planning Permission granted

2016/1064/FUL (15th November 2016)
Wood Farm, Boundary Meanygate, Hesketh Bank
Addition of conservatory to west elevation
Planning Permission refused

2016/1121/FUL (8th November 2016)
90 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Variation of Condition No.1 of planning permission 2014/1302/ARM
Planning Permission granted

2016/1093/OUT (1st November 2016)
Land at Becconsall Lane Farm, 31 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Outline – Housing development including details of scale and means of access from Becconsall Lane.

2016/1069/FUL (1st November 2016)
Land to rear of 38 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of existing bungalow, construction of new access road and erection of 7 No. dwellings on land to the rear comprising of 2 pairs of semi-detached 3 bedroom dwellings with integral single garage and 3 No. detached 3 bedroom dwellings, 2 with integral single garage and 1 with separate garage.

2016/1040/FUL (1st November 2016)
54 Newarth Lane, Hesketh Bank
Loft conversion including first floor rear extension. Single storey conservatory at rear.

2016/1080/FUL (25th October 2016)
Bedouin, Boundary Meanygate, Hesketh Bank
New Horse Arena
Planning Permission granted

2016/0974/OUT (25th October 2016)
Land to the East of Boundary Lane, Hesketh Bank
Outline – Mixed use development comprising 10 semi-detached, affordable houses and premises for a horticultural supplies business including the erection of a warehouse and the conversion of an existing building for offices and the laying out of external storage, parking and vehicular circulation areas, including details of access, appearance, layout and scale.

2016/1049/FUL (11th October 2016)
Bullens Wood, Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Variation of Condition Nos. 2 and 9 imposed on planning permission 2012/1327/FUL to vary the approved plans and allow the area of land to the east of No. 102 Becconsall Lane to be retained as a garden area.
Planning Permission Refused – Appeal Lodged 13th April 2017

2016/0838/FUL (6th September 2016)
14 Silverdale, Hesketh Bank
Proposed extensions to provide accomodation for elderly relative, adjusted kitchen and additional bedroom at first floor level.

2016/0606/FUL (23rd August 2016)
186 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Raise height of existing roof to dwelling incorporating new dormer to rear.
Planning Permission granted

2016/0778/FUL (11th August 2016)
96 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Detached double garage and single storey rear extension to dwelling.

2016/0765/FUL (2nd August 2016)
103 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Part two storey/part single storey extension to side and rear.

2016/0712/FUL (12th July 2016)
Ribble View Farm, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Erection of 1 no. two storey dwelling with integral garaging following demolition of an existing agricultural building.

2016/0547/FUL (12th July 2016)
Ribble View Farm, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Conversion of barn into 2 no. separate dwellings including single storey extension.

2016/0661/OUT (21st June 2016)
176 Station Road, Hesketh Bank)
Outline application for one detached dwellinghouse (all matters reserved). (Resumission of application ref no 2015/0138/OUT)
Planning Permission Refused – Appeal lodged – Dismissed

2016/0600/FUL (14th June 2016)
Dunkirk Barn, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Two storey extension to existing dwelling.

2016/0494/FUL (24th May 2016)
Clover Dene Farm, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Single Storey rear extension following demolition of existing extension.

2016/0504/FUL (17th May 2016)
6 Primrose Close, Hesketh Bank
Conversion of attached double garage to self contained residential use.

2016/0431/OUT (3rd May 2016)
Land to rear of 41 Boundary Lane, Hesketh Bank
Outline – One dormer bungalow and garage

2016/0425/FUL (26th April 2016)
34 Pardoe Close, Hesketh Bank
Demolish existing conservatory and build a single storey sun room in its place

2016/0307/FUL (26th April 2016)
37 Boundary Lane, Hesketh Bank
Two storey rear extension; reposition of existing garage and additional out building

2016/0343/OUT (5th April 2016)
184 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of existing buildings and the erection of 2 No. Detached dwellings (one 2 storey and one 1 storey)

2016/0329/FUL (5th April 2016)
10A Granville Avenue, Hesketh Bank
Proposed garage adjoining existing detached garage.

2016/0279/ARM (22nd March 2016)
Henry Alty, Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Approval of Reserved Matters for the erection of 211 dwellings including associated infrastructure and details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale.

2016/0254/ARM (22nd March 2016)
Land to the rear of 130 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Approval of Reserved Matters – Erection of 2 detached dwellings (including details of appearance, landscaping and scale)

2016/0113/FUL (1st March 2016)
12 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
One storey courtyard extension and internal works

2016/0162/FUL (23rd February 2016)
55 Boundary Lane, Hesketh Bank
Single storey extension to the south and west elevations, new pitched roof to the existing flat roof extension (to north elevation) and new driveway access from Boundary Lane.

2016/0075/FUL (2nd February 2016)
Henry Alty Ltd, Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Removal of Condition No.30 imposed on planning permission 2013/1258/OUT relating to the  removal of Code for Sustainable Homes

2016/0065/FUL (2nd February 2016)
Barn End, 94b Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Single storey sitting room extension to the rear.

LCC/2016/0009 (28th January 2016)
Hesketh Bank Waste Water Treatment Works, Marsh Lane, Hesketh Bank
Construction of two kiosks; a blower kiosk and an electrical kiosk in association with development required to servr population growth and EU directives.

2015/1305/FUL (19th January 2016)
Land at Western End of Newarth Lane, Hesketh Bank
Erection of building for use as stable and store (retrospective)

2015/1155/FUL (19th January 2016)
Dunkirk Farm, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Two storey extension to side

2015/1253/FUL (22nd December 2015)
41A Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Single Storey Side Extension

Golden Harvest, 19A Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Change of use from retail food outlet (A5) & residential property to a Doctors Surgery (D1). Proposed external platform lift and steps to the front of the property, car parking to the rear.

2015/1139/FUL (10th November 2015)
78 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Proposed single storey rear extension, following the taking down of existing conservatory and out buildings, internal alterations, leading to revisions to the front door position and fenestration.

2015/1135/FUL (10th November 2015)
West Gate Farm, Guide Road, Hesketh Bank
Installation of a biomass boiler for plant propogation

2015/0987/FUL (3rd November 2015)
Bank Farm, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
New agricultural building for livestock and storage.

2015/0491/FUL (27th October 2015)
15 Granville Avenue, Hesketh Bank.
First Floor extension above existing kitchen, demolition of existing sun house and new single storey family room constructed off kitchen.

2015/0918/FUL (8th September 2015)
201 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Alterations to existing dwelling comprising two storey front extension, two storey rear extension and removal of consevatory

2015/0768/FUL (11th Aug 2015)
11 The Nurseries, Hesketh Bank
Single storey extension to rear.

2015/0739/FUL (21st July 2015)
Brookfield Nurseries, Guide Road, Hesketh Bank.
Erection of agricultural building for machinery and equipment storage.

2015/0706/FUL (21st July 2015)
122 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank.
Proposed first floor and two storey extension to side and front of dwelling.

2015/0704/FUL (21st July 2015)
HSBC, 2 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Replacement of existing ATM – to be equality act compliant. Sections of handrail on external ramp to be removed.

2015/0479/FUL (23rd June 2015)
Ribble View Farm, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Conversion of barn into 2 separate dwellings including single storey extension.

2015/0522/FUL (26th May 2015)
96 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank.
New 2 storey side extension to dwelling including felling of trees.

2015/0485/FUL (19th May 2015)
76 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Alternative to planning approval 2014/0713/FUL incorporating an increased first floor extension.

2015/0436/FUL (12th May 2015)
484 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of existing porch. Extensions ands alterations to existing roof line to provide additional living space at first floor level, with roof lights to rear and solar panels to front.

2015/0421/COU (12th May 2015)
Hesketh Cricket Club, Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Change of use of Cricket Pavilion to a mixed use as Pavilion and Class D1

2015/0185/FUL (31st March 2015)
2 Rankin Avenue, Hesketh Bank
Detached dwelling in the garden of 2 Rankin Avenue

2015/0220/FUL (10th March 2015)
19 Poppyfields, Hesketh Bank
Proposed parent’s annex facility

2015/0138/OUT (10th Match 2013)
176 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Outline consent for a dwellinghouse (all matters reserved)

2015/0069/FUL (10th February 2015)
153 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear extension.

2015/0059/COU (3ed February 2015)
Marsh View, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Siting of five static caravans for use as seasonal workers accomodation.

2015/0039/OUT (27th January 2015)
Land to the rear of 130 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Outline – Demolition of existing building and erection of 2 detached dwellings (including details of access and layout).

2014/1368/FUL (20th January 2015)
208 Moss lane, Hesketh Bank
Removal of the agricultural occupancy condition No. 5 imposed on planning permission ref. 8/89/622.

2014/1355/LBC (13th January 2015)
61 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Listed Building Consent – Conversion of two barns to residential use and associated works

2014/1354/FUL (13th January 2015)
61 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Conversion of two barns to residential use and associated works.

2014/1336/FUL (23rd December 2014)
Hesketh Bank Methodist Chapel, Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank.
Demolition of existing church buildings, and the subsequent erection of 14 No. dwellings and church hall with associated access roads and parking

2014/1308/OUT (23rd December 2014)
Mill Farm, Mill Lane, Hesketh Bank
Outline – Proposed residential development for 2 No. new semi-detached dwellings on the location of the existing barn at Mill Farm (including details of access)

2014/1305/FUL (23rd December 2014)
50 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Alterations to form 2 bedrooms in roof space including 2 dormer windows to west elelvation roof slope and front porch.

2014/1302/ARM (9th December 2014)
90 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Reserved matters – Erection of 5 dwellings (including details of scale, layout, appearance and lamdscaping)

2014/1273/FUL (9th December 2014)
Windy Ridge, Anchorage Avenue, Hundred End
Demolition of existing garage and conservatory and replacement with new garage and entrance hall.

2014/1238/FUL (9th December 2014)
75 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of the existing dwelling and the erection of 7 No. detached houses.

2014/1127/OUT (2nd December 2014)
Whitegate Nurseries, 66 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Outline – Residential development – pair of semi-detached and three detached houses including details of means of access.
Planning Permission Refused – Appeal Lodged 16th November 2016)
Appeal Allowed – 19th January 2017

2014/1084/FUL (18th November 2014)
484 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of existing porch. Extensions and alterations to existing roof line to provide aditional living space at first flooor level, with roof lights to rear and solar panels to front.

2014/0877/OUT (26th August 2014)
Land at Becconsall Lane Farm, 31 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank.
Outline – Affordable housing development including details of scale and means of access from Becconsall Lane.

2014/0773-0778/FUL (26th August 2014)
Land adjacent to Cedars, Boundary Meanygate, Hesketh Bank
Reomve existing greenhouses and replace with new greenhouses.

2014/0786/OUT (12th August 2014)
Land to the rear of 38 Newarth Lane, Hesketh Bank
Outline – Erection of 10 affordable dwellings (all matters reserved)

2014/0771/ARM (12th August 2014)
90 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Reserved Matters – Demolition of one dwelling and erection of 7 dwellings (including details of scale, layout,appearance and landscaping)

2014/0759/FUL (12th August 2104)
4 Granville Avenue, Hesketh Bank
Proposed pair of detached bungalows.

2014/0746/FUL (12th August 2014)
Hesketh Out Marsh East, Guide Road,, Hesketh Bank.
Variation of condition No.3 imposed on planning permission 2013/1011/FUL to allow Sunday working on site. Variation of Condition No.4 imposed on planning permision 2013/1011/FUL to allow an inspection of Shore Road within 7 days of it being resurfaced.

2014/0713/FUL (5th August 2014)
74 & 76 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank.
Block up side window and form new window opening to front of No.74. Part two storey/part single storey rear extension and single storey side extension to No.76.

2014/0657/FUL (29th July 2014)
26 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of existing garage and construction of new single storey kitchen extension and utiity room.

2014/0588/FUL (17th July 2014)
Dove Cottage, 427A Moss lane, Hesketh Bank
Proposed demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of 1 new dwelling.

2014/0608/FUL (24th June 2014)
2 Granville Avenue, Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear extension (with room in roof) and single storey side extension. Detached double garage.

2013/1258/OUT (17th June 2014)
Henry Alty Ltd, Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Outline – Erection of up to 275 dwellings across two phases, including associated garages, roads, landscaping and public realm creation in the form of a linear park and B1 employment uses. Details of access included.

2014/0460/FUL (17th June 2014)
Nook Farm, 177 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Erection of a 3 bedroom detached house.

2014/0399/FUL (10th June 2014)
15 Granville Ave, Hesketh Bank
Demolish existing sun room and construct single storey brick built family room. First floor rear extension above existing kitchen to provide new bedroom.

2014/0498/FUL (3rd June 2016)
2 Rankin Ave, Hesketh Bank
New dwelling within curtilage of the applicant’s property

2014/0471/FUL (27th May 2014)
75 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of the existing dwelling and the erection of 8 houses including associated works

2014/0387/FUL (20th May 2014)
West Gate Farm, Guide Road, Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear extension, first floor rear extension and raising ridge height to accomodate second floor rooms.

2014/0179/OUT (22nd April 2014)
Land at Becconsall Lane Farm, 31 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Outline – Housing development including details of means of access.

LCC/2014/0053 (15th April 2014)
Sewage Treatment Works, Marsh Road, Hesketh Bank.
Construction of standby generator with fenced compound

2014/0333/FUL (15th April 2014)
76 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank.
Part two storey/single storey extension to rear and single storey extension to side.

2014/0320/FUL (8th April 2104)
19 Poppyfields, Hesketh Bank.
Single storey rear extension and conversion of existing attached double garage to living accomodation to provide parents annex facility.

2014/0274/FUL (8th April 2014)
96 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Retrospective application for conversion of existing garage to living space and additional parking space to front

LCC/2014/0047 (31st March 2014)
Bonny Barn Lane, Banks
Retention of the site compaound and access track for a further 3 years to allow pressure monitoring of the Bowland Shale Reservoir, followed by plugging and abandonment of the existing exploratory well and site restoration.

2014/0189/FUL (11th March 2014)
158 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank.
First Floor rear extension

2014/0028/FUL (11th March 2014)
148 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of existing end terrace and erection of new dwelling on existing footprint with additional 4.5m to side (2 storey) and 4.25m to rear (single storey).

2014/0135/FUL (25th February 2014)
4 Granville Avenue, Hesketh Bank
Erection of 2 no. detached dormer bungalows

2014/0054/FUL (18th January 2014)
Bullens Wood, Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Erection of detached dwelling with integral garage

2014/0024/FUL (18th February 2014)
Land to rear of 10 and 12 Granville Avenue, Hesketh Bank
Substitution of 2 detached dormer bungalows to replace those approved under application 2013/0881/FUL

2014/0084/OUT (4th February 2014)
Land to rear of 130 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Outline – Demolition of existing building and erection of 2 no. detached dwellings including details of access and layout

2014/0076/FUL (4th February 2014)
12 Hazelwood Drive, Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear extension

2014/0022/FUL (4th February 2014)
Land adj 21 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Re-building of existing shop premises

2013/1353/FUL (4th February 2014)
Nook Farm, 177 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank
New build dwelling

2014/0036/ADV (28th January 2014)
Land Adjacent to 20 Shore Road
Display of non illuminated freestanding advert sign

2014/0028/FUL (28th January 2014)
148 Moss lane, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of existing end terrace and erection of new dwelling on existing footprint with additional 4.5m side (2 storey) and 4.25m to rear (single storey)

2013/1269/FUL (21st January 2014)
Brock House, Boundary Meanygate, Hesketh Bank.
Siting of shed to side

2013/1371/FUL (7th January 2014)
137 Station Road, Hesketh Bank.
Proposed new dwelling and access on land adjacent to 137 Station Road.

2013/1346/FUL (7th January 2014)
Shore Farm, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank.
Redesign of swelling to plot 1 to replace previously approved application and detached double garage

2013/1166/OUT (17th December 2013)
35 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of existing double garage and outline consent for a single residential dwelling unit

2013/1294/FUL (10th December 2013)
Land to rear of 10 and 12 Granville Avenue
Resubmission of approved application 2013/0881/FUL resiting of buildings within site

2013/1282/FUL (10th December 2013)
14 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Erection of single storey extension to rear and side of existing residential property in order to provide suitable accomodation for an elderly relative requiring a high level of care.

2013/1258/HYB (10th December 2013)
Henry Alty Ltd, Station Road, Hesketh Bank
Hybrid planning application comprising a full application for the proposed erection of 275 dwelling houses (including affordable housing) in a mix of 59 2 bed, 96 3 bed, 94 4 bed, 26 5 bed units across two phases; including associated garages, roads, landscaping and public realm creation in the form of a linear park and outline application with all matters other than access reserved bor B1 employment uses.

2013/1227/COU (3rd December 2013)
Ribble Hall Farm, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Change of use from agricultural office to a residential dwelling.

2013/1204/LDC (26th November 2013)
Dove Cottage, 427A Moss lane, Hesketh Bank
Certificate of Lawfulness – Use of building as permanebt dwelling house.

2013/1164/OUT (19th November 2013)
Whitegate Nurseries, 66 Chapel Road, Hesketh Bank.
Outline – Erection of a detached bungalow and two pairs of semi-detached houses including details of access road from Chapel Road.

2013/1138/FUL (5th November 2013)
9 Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of outbuildings to No.9 Shore Road and erection of 6 No. detrached and semi-detached dwellings with off-street parking and a new access road.

2013/1092/FUL (29th October 2013)
Windy Ridge, Anchorage Avenue, Hudred End
Demolition of existing garage and conservatory and replacement new garage including studio above with verandah at first floor level at rear and new entrance hall.

2013/1074/COU (15th October 2013)
Barn at, Bank View, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Conversion of barn to dwelling (amendment to extant planning permission 2006/0386)

2013/1064/FUL (15th October 2013)
131 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear extension and double storey side extension

2013/1042/FUL (15th October 2013)
Land to the rear of 10 and 12 Granville Avenue, Hesketh Bank
Erection of 2 no. pairs of semi-detached houses with detached garages. New vehicular/pedestrain access

2013/1041/FUL (15th October 2013)
4 Granville Ave, Hesketh Bank
Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 2 no. detached houses with attached garages and 1 no. pair semi detached houses with detached garages. New vehicular/pedestrain access.

2013/0985/FUL (8th October 2013)
140 Chapel Lane, Hesketh Bank
Single storey side and rear extensions

2013/1011/FUL (24th Sep 2013)
Hesketh Out Marsh East, Guide Road, Hesketh Bank.
Upgrade of existing inner flood defence embankment and breaches in the outer embankment to enable the creation of intertidal saltmarsh habitat, including the excavation of lagoons and creeks. Construction of access ridges through the site, installation of bird hide, extension to existing car park, improvements to the footpath along the crest of the embankment and reprofiling of existing access ramps into the site.

2013/0946/OUT (23rd Sep 2013)
Land at Becconsall Lane Farm, 31 Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Outline – Housing developmenmt including details of means of access

2013/0932/FUL (25th Sep 2013)
148 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Two storey side extension, Single storey rear extension

2013/0913/FUL (23rd Sep 2013)
Wood Farm, Boundary Meanygate, Hesketh Bank.
Single Storey extension to west elevation.

2013/0881/FUL (27th Aug 2013)
Land to the rear of 10 and 12 Granville Ave, Hesketh Bank.
Erection of two dormer detached bungalows with two detached garages including new vehicular/pedestrian access road.

Mill Farm, Mill Lane, Hesketh Bank
Outline – Three detached dwellings including details of access.
2013/0845/FUL (25th Sep 2013)
19 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Single Storey rear extension

25 Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Two storey extension to side. Fenestration alterations to front of existing propoerty. Pedestrian access to perimeter of site to the garden of No.23

Hundred End Nurseries, Hudred End Lane, Hesketh Bank
Retention of 1o number temporary workers dwellings.

2013/0662/FUL (2nd July 2013)
Cottams Farm, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Erection of two wind turbines

2013/0610/OUT (25th June 2013)
38 Newarth Lane, Hesketh Bank
Outline – Erection of 10 dwellings (all matters reserved)

08/12/1032 (LCC)
Becconsall Exploration Site, off Bonny Barn Road, Hudred End, Banks
Proposal: Variation of condition 1 of planning permission 08/10/0973 to extend the period of time for the testing for hydrocarbons in the drilled exploratory borehole and restoration of the site by a further 18 months until 28 march 2014

2013/0406/FUL (4th June 2013)
76 Moss Lane, Hesketh Bank
Part two storey/part first floor extension to side/rear

2013/0381/FUL (4th June 2013)
Barn End, 94B Becconsall Lane, Hesketh Bank
Extension to existing greenhouse

2013/0526/FUL (28th May 2013)
44 Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Retention of 10.36m high radio mast on concrete base

2013/0481/FUL (21st May 2013)
Land to the rear of 17 & 19 Station Road, Hesketh Bank
One block of two self contained flats

25 Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Two storey extension to side

2013/0354/FUL (23rd April 2013)
52 Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear infill extension

2013/0081/COU (23rd April 2013)
New Manor Farm, Shore Road, Hesketh Bank
Conversion of barn into dwelling including porch extension.

2013/0311/FUL (16th April 2013)
5 Fairwinds Avenue, Hesketh Bank
Single storey rear extension.

2013/0209/FUL (9th April 2013)
15 Rankin Avenue, Hesketh Bank
Erection of fencing to side boundary.

2013/0162/FUL (26th March 2013)
Land between 82 and 86 Moss lane, Hesketh Bank
Erection of detached dwelling and detached double garage including new vehicular access.

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